Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Dream of the "Apocalyptic Tide"
Three (3) of my Dream Blogs

Fore-note: Because, this is a story of an Apocalyptic Tide coming out from a Dream of yesteryear's, and my English grammar is not passable to many. I beg All reader's of this blog for their kind consideration/s. The Publishing of this story doesn't in anyway relate to, or in support to any apocalyptic predictions of the past. and this came about as NOT to SOW FEAR, but to share an entertaining story....,

Intro: In this Dream, there are Two(2) concluding visions occurring across same hour of the very same night.

First Dream; There was an offensive foul smelling air coming from the window overlooking the bay, which rudely awakens me from an afternoon snooze. Covering my nose I quickly rose from the bed and went to the window. I’m about to shut the window shutters, but as I close it, I suddenly noted some scattered fire in the distance, and the sky seemed to also be on fire. Warily I look down to people on the street below. To my astonishment, I see them running away in every direction. While noting their frenzy I further noticed numerous fireballs descending from the sky. Those scattered fireballs landed in many places: some on the sea, on the streets, the mountain, homes, and in some cases I see them land and crush hapless people on the street. In one corner, I see the charred remains of a man identifiable only by his lower torso. I was panicking by now and I shouted the alarm calling every name in my household to attention. I see unattended bodies from animals and people trampled all over the road amidst the rioting crowds in the streets far below.

Amidst the blinding haze and offensive air from burning carcasses mixed with wood, leaves, rubber and so on, I darted my sight a little upward to look at a distant mountain. The familiar mountain overlooking the bay in front from my window seemed to become dark and vanish into a larger shadow. It was strange – it’s like it wasn't there but at the same time became magically larger. There was something weird because this “Blackness” overshadowing where the mountain is was taller than the familiar sight I’m used to.”
After wiping tears from my eyes, I noted that the blackness in the distance was moving slowly and heading towards me; its lengths stretched unbelievably far - I couldn’t see where it ended. As haze the cleared, I noticed the shadow of the mountain under the foot of this dark object. And when I understood that the deeper shadow was indeed the mountain, I became speechless and unable to move in shock. Darting my attention a little upward to look at the sky, I noted the glimmering flickers of fire sat like crown on top of this assumed dark object. The flickering fire on this horrifying object becomes bolder and bigger. Over a few minutes the object neared; I could now picture clearly that this horrifying dark object rushing towards me is a wall of water carrying on top or pushing forward all kinds of unimaginable debris large and small, thus being dark. From core of the crown of fire atop this wall of water countless glimmers of smaller fires leap in every direction into the sky. As that happened an unusually hot air blows through the window I’m looking out of and only then I noted the smells of burning sulfur in the air. Magically I recovered my strengths and movement and I quickly withdrew from the window and rushed to the door calling and shouting the names of my household members. Then the dream changed….

I was in my living room looking for someone when I heard a call. I turned my head to look around me, but only to be awed at finding no one. Again, a manly voice, a tangible presence, spoke and commanded me, saying: “Move out to safety”. The feeling of presence swelled until I felt this presence as an invincible Being above me and I experienced a mixture of fear and excitement. I managed to listen intently. HE commanded me again to move out, emphasizing “Now”; I answered back; LORD, why for? HE responded; “The vision I had shown you will happen!” (note; I’m not sure if the underline were the exact words spoken, pardon my forgetfulness.) When I realized HE meant that horrible dark waters, and HE didn’t mean to harm me, I became calmer and at ease. Immediately, I begged HIS mercy to not let it happen. I thought about the enormity of the waters and how the mountain became like toes it came to me that is would certainly cover the entire world. And the fires would have come from an erupting volcano under the waters coming around as hails of burning rocks and thick smoke and sulfuric smells blanketing the Earth. I keep on begging the LORD to NOT let it happen. But HE persisted and persisted in HIS command for me to move. I became resigned, but then begged HIM; “FATHER, please give me Three(3) days so at-least I can save even few people and my love ones with me?” Thankfully the LORD conceded and said; “Alright I gave you that Three(3) days.” As I thought about it, that I called HIM FATHER or LORD, that HE didn’t object, I came to the understanding that it’s the voice of GOD calling or speaking to me. As I was thinking the dream changed again….

The second dream. The scorching heat from penetrating sunlight coming through the windows of my room cut short my afternoon snooze. The sun was setting when I decided to get off from the couch. As customary, I eased towards the window to gaze at the panoramic view of the bay.

But in just a few minutes standing by the window, I heard the voice of the LORD again. HE said; “Hurry now. The Three(3) days extension given you is expiring. Move now and be hurry.” Fearfully, I asked: “Where am I going? I don’t know of any place.” “Don’t worry. I myself will take you to a safe place.” HE said.

Noting the tone of authority and urgency in HIS voice, it was made plain to me that the most dreaded thing must have started. I had told my family, friends and loved ones of the horrific occurrence shown me and because not a soul believed me. I was so aggrieved and yearning at that moment that I told the LORD, ”Please FATHER let me stay and die with them.”

The voice repeatedly urged and hurried me to go now. I heard the urgency from HIS words, but because of the heavy heart considering that I will no longer see my family and friends for the rest of our remaining life on Earth. Despite the bewilderment and frozen state, my conviction to stay didn't stay long. Suddenly I was up and away and I’m dumbfounded to find myself alone on top of a motorize outrigger (boat.) A quick few seconds later the boat started and move by itself through tranquil water. As the boat eased away from the harbor, it didn’t take long when I seemed to come back to myself and felt amazement, then forgetful, forgetting the people I so yearned to be with. Then I darted my eyes scanning every farthest horizon of the flat expanse of water in search of something. And while in that searching state, suddenly my heart froze when I saw a mushrooming black cloud atop the water amidst the blue skyline on Pacific side of the boat. Seconds later, I noted the thing becoming more horrible as it expands and became larger and darker, and on top of it an intermittent fire is became visible.

Another seconds passed and I saw countless of smoldering objects fly high - miles above the sky, and countless more also coming back down on all directions. Quickly the whole blue sky above is swallowed up by that horrendous thing that was almost totally dark excepting the traces of rain like fire in it.

Fearful, but surprising myself that I didn’t loose my wits, I kept track of the horrifying thing closing-in behind me. My eye darted warily back to the water, as the boat rides onward. Again, I gaze back behind to look at the rushing object. And from the flying debris above, the mid-afternoon seems night time, and the sun seeming to set fast behind the cloud and it becoming dark early. I could also smell the putrid smells of sulfur. Few minutes later, I noted that the boat was heading toward what seemed like a transparent structure formed on the horizon of the water and floating like a partly submerged Glass dome. In a few second waves of winds pushed the boat faster and closer to the structure, and the ash-like fog that partly covers the entire horizon was partly cleared away. I’m amazed as we came closer to the structure that an Island was right inside this Dome.

Unmindful on how we got magically inside the dome I found myself surprised at seeing and feeling a very different environment from the outside I just left behind. The very air smelled so fresh. The interior is actually lighted as in normal daytime, whereas from above and all around outside the dome enclosure, I could see the dark spells that now blanketed the sky, land and ocean below, and of course, the hundreds of fireballs zigzagging above in every direction.

The boat slowed and landed itself safely on a rocky shore. A great calm and peaceful feeling descended on me as the boat drew up onto the land. I expected to see people but saw only assortment of animals, and there’s not a soul on that side of the shore. I thought to myself: “There must be some people around and I will have to find them. “ The Voice gave me an instruction and I alighted from the boat and stood near the bank. From there I marveled at the animals: some nesting on the rocks while others swim in the water. The larger animal looks like seal, but I asked myself where in the Philippines these animals could be found? As I was pondering about the animal and where I am, the voice came back and told me; “You can catch them for food.” In an airy sense of wonder I thought to myself how would I catch and kill an animal so big with no knife and a weak physical body of mine? I’m sure I’ll need help. I became bewildered - I faulted myself that I didn’t ask GOD in my confusion. Perhaps, I thought, out of respect, fear and bewilderment. Minutes past and I left the shore and made my way up a trail. Thankfully not far from the shore, I spotted a few food wrappings strewn on the path. Suddenly, my hope soared for finding someone on this seemingly uninhabited island. Perhaps I’m not all alone!……… End

Back to reality.., Upon waking I felt thankful finding myself in bed and at home. After breathing heavily and holding my emotion, I quickly came down from the bed to kneel. And with tears coming off freely from my eyes, I uttered; “O GOD please don’t let happen”. I repeated my pleading while sobbing.

From today (12/01/11), at the approach of 2012, It’s almost Two(2) decades since I had the above Dream. I still wish that it not happen. But … I’m also worried that it might, considering that GOD was also involved in that Dream…. In that case, how about counting the Three(3) days extension, when might it expired?..., I also had other Dream seeing my mother died and this involved (in physical world) a request to GOD of 15 years life extensions for my mother, and it was granted in reality. She died 15 years later after this first Dream. Note: there were Three(3) different sets of Dreams with same concussion occurring within Thirteen(13) years from the First….,

I waited until after 2012 to publish this story, as I don’t want it to fuel the 2012 confusions and awareness of, involving Nostradamus prediction and the End relating to the Mayan calendar. The above Dream came about in 1992, and I was agape of it’s near similarity after seeing (recently) on cable TV the 2012 movie starred by J. Cusack. The disaster on that movie is nearly similar to what I sees in this Dream, excepting for the erupting Volcano that took place in different setting, but the intensity of the wave is very much the same…,

I also had other Dreams in my earlier years, and in 1975, and 2001 involving GOD, guiding and protecting me in those Dreams. If you like the above story, I am sure my experience on another
spiritually nourishing Dreams is also worth your time. I'd love to post 'em soon

Thank you for sharing your time., Please be prayerful and always be Thankful to GOD…,